coaching packages

Personalized packages offer a synthesis of the wisdom from all the tools & techniques I’ve learned along the way. I facilitate a gentle process to help guide you into a deeper understanding of yourself & the world around you. The essential pillars of this work are blended with my unique channel, offering you a one-of-a-kind soulful journey of unlocking the enormous potential that is you. Uncovering who you are, how you operate, why you are here & how to shift the course of your life into a more fulfilling, delicious, graceful flow in every precious now moment of being alive.

Welcome to the inspired way,,,

SENSORY AWAKENING (Five 90-Minute Session Coaching Program)

This package is a gentle & cohesive amalgamation of Energy Healing, Kundalini Awakening & Healing Hands Activation Sessions. It helps clients unlock the power & potential of sensory expansion & embodiment. We have so much possibility for pleasure & freedom when we know how to work with our body & our energy channels. This package will help you become more self-expressed & deeply connected with your body & senses restoring your ability to trust & increasing your innate self-love, self-awareness & level of intimacy. Come on a journey of learning how to open your heart & your body to all the power & pleasure that is your blissful birthright! 

Sessions include: Mindfulness - Meditation - Breathwork - Energy Activation Techniques - Embodiment - Intimacy Coaching - Sensory Awakening Bodywork

Benefits: Increases self-love & level of intimacy - Restores self-trust & confidence - Becoming more self-expressed, present & embodied

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SHAKTI POWER COACHING (Five 90-Minute Session Coaching Program)

This package is Energy Healing, Kundalini Awakening & Empowerment Coaching designed for women who want to deepen their connection to their freedom, power & potential. As women, we have been taught to make ourselves fit into the accepted parameters of what society, our families, & our institutions allow. My journey of becoming more embodied as a woman has been in breaking the mould. I have learned how to be in the power of self-love & shine in my most authentic essence. I know how challenging it can be to move through awakening to your true self. I also know that it offers unparalleled joy in expression. I am a compassionate coach, here to guide you through reclaiming your freedom & joy. 

Sessions include: Mindfulness - Meditation - Shakti Breathwork - Energy Activation Bodywork - Embodiment - Self-Love Coaching - Sensual Movement Flow - Mirror Work

Benefits: Increases self-love & worth - Feeling more inspired, empowered & confident - Embracing your sensuality & free expression 

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ECSTATIC LIVING (Five 90-Minute Session Coaching Program)

This package is for those who want to bring everyday Magick back into their lives. For those inquiring minds that feel more & seek more & want to access their intuitive abilities & hidden gifts. Nothing makes me happier than to facilitate a path for those on a journey of expansion… looking to connect, deepen & become more. I have learned that the art of creation & inner magick is a healing art… It moves through us & changes us. I’ve been there. I know this journey all too well. Combining modalities from Energy Healing, Kundalini Awakening, Intuition Coaching & much more to facilitate your remembrance… your nature in essence. Let’s find your Magick & allow your intuition to set you Free.

Sessions include: Mindfulness - Meditation - Breathwork - Energy Activation Techniques - Embodiment - Intuition Awakening Exercises - Shadow Work 

Benefits: Increases clarity, presence & awareness  - Deepens  intuition & knowing - Feeling more alive, connected & in flow

This package is offered in person or via Zoom. Zoom session packages will be recorded & sent to you along with my notes after the session.

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Payment Plan Option

Session 1 - $155 Remaining 4 Sessions - $100 per session

For payment plans option contact me for details. Payment must be made before booking.

You can reschedule the session with 48-hour notice. You can get a full refund if you cancel the session with 72-hour notice. 50% refund if you have to cancel with less than 72-hour notice. No refund if you cancel with 24-hour notice.