Alchemy of Love

I‘ve created this unique pathway for those interested, based on everything that I would’ve wanted when I started on my journey of self-awareness. Guided by those who speak the same language… whose curiosity takes them to places that most are not willing to go. This journey is an Initiation into the Heart.

It’s for those who feel that they’re in this world but not of it. For those that think differently & have a longing, a knowing within their hearts of places they come from that they don’t remember. For those that are waking up in a world that is still in slumber. When we surround ourselves with those who genuinely honour us, see us & listen to us, a graceful motion is generated that allows us to feel held in the homecoming into ourselves. I am here for that... I know that you are here on this planet with passion & purpose but you were put in a position where you were taken away from the understanding of that reason. Now life is doing what it can to remind you of that reason.

You are not here by accident. I wouldn’t call to you if there wasn’t something here resonating with you on some level. Whatever your expression or embodiment may be, we all start from the same core place. A place of absolute remembrance of who we are, what we are here to bring forward & how to set these visions of ours into motion. This inner journey, especially if you take it on fully, is designed to heal & bring you into the heart of the mystery by laying an unshakable foundation for you to be deeply rooted in the innate magick that is you. So you may uncover your immense untapped inner power, blissfully revel in self-love & live ecstatically from a place of wholeness.

I SEE YOU. Welcome Home

I am delighted you are here…

Hello beautiful soul


Come home to the self . Land in your core . BREATHE . Feel in your belly . The softness in your being




I know who I am

the story

of Machavella


I know what I am



Take a ride on my energy as I pull & tug at your heart centre. Seeing. Feeling. Remembering. Bringing the cool back to spirituality & the energetics. As me. My authentic. My real. This is my way. This is my motion. I am the motion. Unbounded. Untethered. My joy. My expression. To liberate. To empower. Everything starts with the self. It all starts with me…



I know how I serve

You were not made to be subtle!

Rise… the opposite of courage is not cowardice. It’s conformity… throw caution to the wind. Colour outside the lines. Dance to the beat of your own drum. Light up your world. Be that extra love quotient. Cause the truth is no one can do it like you. Get up & lead yourself.